Ratatouille Chicken


40 Minutes

Serves 4


½ tsp of dried Basil

1 tsp Garlic granules

1 Aubergine

2 Red onions

2 Red Peppers

150g Cherry tomatoes

4 Chicken breasts

1 tbsp Balsamic vinegar

Sea salt and black pepper


Step 1.

Mix your dried basil and garlic granules and place to one side

Step 2.

Cut your Aubergine, Peppers and Onions into 1 cm thick slices

Step 3.

No spray a casserole dish with some oil and place in your sliced veg alternating between Aubergine, Pepper and Onion until you have a space left in the middle for your chicken

Step 4.

Now place your chicken in the middle and sprinkle your basil and garlic mix over the whole dish, add a little oil over the top and place in a preheated oven (200˙c) for 10 minutes

Step 5.

While that is cooking, halve all your cherry tomatoes and marinate in your balsamic

Step 6.

When 10 minutes is up, take out the dish and sprinkle your balsamic cherry tomatoes over the whole dish and cook for a further 15 minutes

Step 7.

Allow the dish to stand for roughly 2-3 minutes before serving